Monday, January 28, 2013

Useful Information on Bibliography

1. Bibliology is another name for ---------------------------
Ans: Bibliography

2. Analytical bibliography investigates the --------------- of a book that yield evidence establishing a book's history and transmission.

Ans. Printing and other physical features 

3. Bibliographic works differ in the amount of detail depending on the purpose and can generally be divided into ---------categories:  ----------- , which results in an overview of publications in a particular category and ---------- which studies the production of books.
Ans. 2; Enumerative bibliography; Analytical or Critical bibliography

4.EndNote is a commercial ----------- package, used to manage -------------------and ------- when writing essays and articles
Ans. Reference management software;Bibliographies ; References

5. EndNote is a product of ------------------------ company

Ans. Thomson Reuters.

6.  ---------------------- for America is similar to BNB for Great Brirtian

Ans. Cumulative Book Index (CBI)

7. CBI are published -------------------- month and cumulated ----------------------------

Ans. in every: annually 

8. CBI is published by ----------------------

Ans. H.W.Wilson Company

9.------------, ---------------, ---------------- and ------------- are excluded in CBI

  • non print materials
  • government documents
  • periodicals
  • self-published works
10. ----------------------------- has been bringing out a series of bibliographies on doctoral dissertations accepted by Indian Universities since 1957.
Ans. AIU (Association of Indian Universities)

11. --------------------------  bibliography seeks to identify variations in a text and whether the author, editor, compositor, printer, or another is responsible for those variations.

Ans. Textual Bibliography

12 ---------------------- Bibliography deals with the history and methods of book production ie-printing binding ,paper making, illustrating and publishing
Ans. Historical Bibliography.

13. ------------------------- Bibliography is the area of bibliography which makes known precisely the material conditions of books ie- the full name of Author, exact title,  date and place of publication... etc.
Ans. Descriptive 

14. 5 Branches of Bibliography are ----------------, ------------------- , ------------------------, Textual, historical.
Ans. Analytical or Critical, systematic or enumerative, descriptive 

15. --------------------------- is a kind of bibliography which determines the facts and data concerning a publication by examining the signature, catchwords, cancels, and watermarks and making a record in an approved form of results 
Ans. Analytical bibliography 

16. ------------------------- Bibliography concerns itself with the --------------------- forms of books and not with their literary contexts
Ans. Descriptive; material

17. Bibliographica Universalis (1545) is the work of -------------------------------
Ans.Conrad Gessner
18.-----------------------Bibliography is based on a single work
Ans. Unit

19. --------------------------- is an example of Bibliography of Bibliographies 
Ans. A world Bibliography of  Bibliographies

20 .A world Bibliography of  Bibliographies was created by -------------------------
Ans. Theodore Besterman

21. The word 'Bibliography' was first used by -----------------------------
Ans. Louis Jacob de Saints Charles 

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