1. WIPO : United Nations
2. Digital watermarking is part of: Steganography
3. Information Ice berg : 1/3 VISIBLE 2/3 non- visible
4. A Proxy server is used for : Share Internet Links
5. Library warrant : W.Hulme
6. Barcode system uses one of the following technologies : Pattern recognition
7. Information observed and reported by some one else is know as :Empirical information
8. Table of random numbers are constructed by :
9. Brain Storming: Alex Osborn
10. IV volume of 20th DDC : Relative Index
11. Data Ware house is : An electronic repository of organizational data
12. World Intellectual property day : Aprinl 26 , 2009
13. Cyberspace is not wires cables and microwave but : A physical place (dought)
14. The book “ S.R. Ranganathan : Pragmatic Philosophy of information science a personal biography” : Yogeshwar Ranganathan
15. Perochial Libraries : Thomas Bray
16. TQM needs : Concept oriented management
17. Acronym : Donald Davinson
18. First Public Library Act : Madras
19. "already the world is well into the third great phase of Human history - the information age " articulated by : Alvin Toffler
20. Buffer overflow : an attack by computer hacker
21. An equivalent of Is 14000 standards is : ISO 9000
22. In flowchat Activity is represented by : rectangle
23. One of the following is not a cause for obsolescence of published literature:
No longer valid
24. Gantt chat : Horizontal Bar chat
25. M in five fundamental categories ( PMEST) : Matter
26. Value added information model for evaluating information systems and centres was provided by : Robert S Taylor
27. Soul 2.0 is complaint to : NCIP2.0
28. OSI Stands for : open system interconnection
29. ISO standard for Dublic core Metadata elements set is : ISO 15836:2009
30. Seymour Lubetzky was associated with: catalogue codes
31. VIRUS: vital information resources under siege
32. Which among the following is not a copying process ?
33. The largest unit of a database : A File
34. The term “ Exponental Growth refers to : Geometrical progression
35. The exhaustiveness of indexing system will : Increase precision
36. ILA : 1933
38. Recommended 6.5% of univ budget : Radhakrishna committee
39. Secon Generation computers is : Transistor
40. Where is wisdom we have lost in knowledge : T.S. Eliot
41. Bradford formulated the law of scatter : 1948
42. Noise:
43. Saraswathi mahal library : Maraja sarafoji
44. Invisible colleges : Derek de solla price
45. Half life of information is : rate of obsolescence of information
46. First univ to introduced M.Phil Programm is LIS 1980: university of Madras
47. Not a image format : UAP
48. KWIC index was : HP Luhn
49. Graphical representation of data on y-axis is : quadrant
50. Z39.50 : client server protocol
51. Phenomena of literature on a subject appearing in periodical devoted to other subject is know as : scatter
52. Which of five laws of library science strongly advocated adv of open access : first law
53. BIOS : Basic Input/Output system
54. Punjab Library Primer : A D Dickinson
55. Classification: Grouping and arrangement of entities
56. Nesting refers : File organization ( dought)
58. Starvation policy : revision of UDC
59. Five Laws of library science : 1931
60. Documentation was brought : S C Bradford
61. Wisdom of mass principle : wikipaedia
62. Thesaurofacet : jean aitchison
63. Central tendency : average
64. Atom index : INIS
65. Free floating subdivisions : library of congress subject headings
66. NEED:
67. Shanon and weaver theory of information is based on: mathematical theory
68. Bodlein library is the university library of : Oxford University
69. A patent may be granted for a new useful and non obvious : innovation
71. Facebook is a : social networking site
72. World cat is : oclc
73. Direct method of electro static copying is : xerography
74. Focus is a : facet
75. Encyclopedia of library and information science is published by : Marcel dekkav
76. Dare : undp
77. RSS in internet terminology means : Rich site summary
78. The organizational structure is determined by : span of control
79. See also cross reference normally represent : associate relations
80. Research done to find a solution for an immediate problem is known as : applied research
81. The term Informatics was coined by : otto nache
82. Laissez – faire is : allow to act
83. The diffusion of innovationa and its acceptance normally follows : S-shaped curve
84. The periodical “ college and research Librararies is published by :ALA
85. First Ph.d in the LIS in India : 1958
86. John cotton Dana : ALA
87. Indian Reference sources is : J.S.Sharma
88. Youtube is associated with : Google
89. Computer virus is a : computer programme
90. Lotka laws is concerned with : productivity of authors ( dought)
91. Library pathfinders : referral service
92. Charles ammi cutter : rules for dictionary catalogue
93. Coden is : sericals
94. Method of experimental enquiry was advocated by : J S Mills
95. Truncation device is used to improve : precision ( dought)
96. Maximum storage space is available on : Hard disk
97. Demand Theory of Books selection was coined by : L R Mccolvin
98. The Hyderabad public libraries Act was : 1960 ( Actualy 1955)
99. SRELS Journals : Bangalore
100. ATM stands for : Asynchronous transfer mode
101. Ocr is a : input device
102. IASLIC bulletine is a : quarterly
103. Acheme of role operators are used in : PRÉCIS
104. Intelectual property rights are a bundle of exclusive rights over creation of the mind covering : Both Artistic And Commercial Creations
105. CODATA was establish by : ICSU
106. Which one of the following has accelerated the growth of electronic publishing : optical median
107. Weka is a : data mining software
108. The mechanism required to satisfy exhaustive approach of users : announcement ( dought)
109. Cumulative book index is a : trade bibliography
110. Field tag in MARC : directrory
111. The inverse square law is the law referred to : lotks’s law
112. As per internet standard terminology RFC refrs : request for comments
113. Manual of library economy was : brown
114. ISBD : IFLA
115. Five new laws of library sicence have been offered n 1995 by : crwford and Gorman
116. The papyrus one of the earliest writing materials was mainly used by : Egyptians
117. Decimal classification completed hundred years in :1976
118. Principle of recency is releated to : library publicity
119. Computers process data into information by working exclusively with Multimedia
120. Relics are sources of information for : historical research
121. Median is not affected by : different values
122. The acronym ubc coined by : Donald davinson
123. Name given by sr ranganathan to book mobile : Librachine
124. Informationas a flow and knowledge as stock : marshall mchuhan
126. Which one of the following is an indological library: adayar public library Chennai
127. The idea of bibliographic coupling was first advocated by M.M. Kessler
128. Canan for verbal plane are : four
129. Baud rate is used to measure : the speed of data transmission in telecommunication
130. Ernet is : Education and research network
131. Term “epitome” : review
132. Thomas website is associated with : Thomas publishers and co
133. Which of the following Boolean operator when used enchance s retrieval recall : and
134. Who coined the word ROBOT : KARL CAPEK
135. Notation does not make a classification but it may mare it : wc. Berwick sayers
136. Farmingtio plan was initiated in uK in the year : 1948
137. The concept kaizen in quality management means :
138. A postulate is a : a self evident statement about the possibility of a thing
140. Which of the following is not a house keeping operation in library : reference
141. AGRIS regional centre for European countries in located at Philippines
143. Which of the following evaluation techniques is used in forecasting : Delphi technique
144. The earliest style of chines writing was mainly : pictographic
145. V-mail : ware time
146. Digital library of resource of Indian cultural heritage has been named as :Kalanadhi
147. Ugc-net consist of : 4 sections
148. First Librarian of national library of india was : B.s kesavan
149. Indcat is a online union cataloge maintained by e: Inflibnet
150. Digital library of india is hosted by : Iis
More detailed answers
9. Brainstorming is a group creativity technique designed to generate a large number of ideas for the solution of a problem. In 1953 the method was popularized by Alex Faickney Osborn in a book called Applied Imagination. Osborn proposed that groups could double their creative output with brainstorming.[1] –source Wikipedia
10 asked “ The VI Volume of 20th edition DDC contains” (WRONG QUESTION OR PRINT MISTAKE): Relative Index
11. “Data Warehouse/Business Intelligence is a general term to describe a system used in an organization to collect data”-wikipedia
13. “Gibson called that place "cyberspace," and used it as the setting for his early novels and short stories. In his fiction, cyberspace is a computer-generated landscape that characters enter by "jacking in" - sometimes by plugging electrodes directly into sockets implanted in the brain. What they see when they get there is a three-dimensional representation of all the information stored in "every computer in the human system" - great warehouses and skyscrapers of data. He describes it in a key passage in Neuromancer as a place of "unthinkable complexity," with "lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding . . ."
In the years since, there have been other names given to that shadowy space where our computer data reside: the Net, the Web, the Cloud, the Matrix, the Metaverse, the Datasphere, the Electronic Frontier, the information superhighway. But Gibson's coinage may prove the most enduring. By 1989 it had been borrowed by the online community to describe not some science-fiction fantasy but today's increasingly interconnected computer systems - especially the millions of computers jacked into the Internet”.
14. Yogeshwar Ranganathan ( Son of S.R. Ranganathan)
15. The Parochial Libraries Act 1708 (7 Ann. c.14), long title An Act for the better Preservation of Parochial Libraries in England, was an Act of Parliament of the Parliament of Great Britain. It governed parochial libraries established for ministers of the Church of England. The Act is still in force, and is one of the oldest pieces of legislation concerning libraries in the United Kingdom.
Born in 1656, Thomas was the son of Richard and Mary Bray of Marton in Shropshire. He was educated at Oswestry School, and thence proceeded to Oxford where he graduated as Bachelor of Arts in 1678. Taking holy orders he was curate for some time at Bridgnorth, and then removed to Warwickshire, where he was chaplain to Sir Thomas Price at Parkhill, and incumbent of Lea Marston. As such, he occupies an important place in modern religious history, but another part of his comprehensive plan for advancing Christianity is of especial interest to us his scheme for founding parochial and other libraries.
16 The word empirical denotes information gained by means of observation, experience, or experiment.[1] A central concept in science and the scientific method is that all evidence must be empirical, or empirically based, that is, dependent on evidence or consequences that are observable by the senses. It is usually differentiated from the philosophic usage of empiricism by the use of the adjective empirical or the adverb empirically. The term refers to the use of working hypotheses that are testable using observation or experiment. In this sense of the word, scientific statements are subject to and derived from our experiences or observations. Empirical data is data that is produced by an experiment or observation.
17. “ Already the world is well into the third great phase of human history –the information age” . Alvin Toffler articulated these words in 1980 in “The Third Ware”. They even pinpoint the reality of late ninetees and beyond . From outer space to cyberspace in just one generation, the world of past 30 years has seen and absorbed , more change than all previous generations combined. With ever-quickening modes of transportation, ever pervasive networks of data communications, and ever increasing options. The world as we knew is changing . It is change which is permanent and nothing else.
18. The condition wherein the data transferred to a buffer exceeds the storage capacity of the buffer and some of the data "overflows" into another buffer, one that the data was not intended to go into. Since buffers can only hold a specific amount of data, when that capacity has been reached the data has to flow somewhere else, typically into another buffer, which can corrupt data that is already contained in that buffer.
Malicious hackers can launch buffer overflow attacks wherein data with instructions to corrupt a system are purposely written into a file in full knowledge that the data will overflow a buffer and release the instructions into the computer??s instructions.
21. The ISO 14000 environmental management standards exist to help organizations (a) minimize how their operations (processes, etc.) negatively affect the environment (i.e. cause adverse changes to air, water, or land); (b) comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other environmentally oriented requirements, and (c) continually improve in the above.ISO 14000 is similar to ISO 9000 quality management in that both pertain to the process of how a product is produced, rather than to the product itself. As with ISO 9000, certification is performed by third-party organizations rather than being awarded by ISO directly
24. “A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart developed as a production control tool in 1917 by Henry L. Gantt, an American engineer and social scientist. Frequently used in project management, a Gantt chart provides a graphical illustration of a schedule that helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project. “-source : techtarget
25. Robert Saxton Taylor was born in 1918. : Lehigh University: Librarian 1956-67; Prof. and Director of the Center for the Information Sciencea; Director of Library Center and Prof. of Language and Communications, Hampshire College 1967-72; Syracuse University School of Information Studies : Professor 1972-?; Dean 1974-81.
He published articles in user studies. He used the value-added approach to information services.---Source Wikipedia
29. ISO 15836:2009 establishes a standard for cross-domain resource description, known as the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. Like RFC 3986, ISO 15836:2009 does not limit what might be a resource.
ISO 15836:2009 defines the elements typically used in the context of an application profile which constrains or specifies their use in accordance with local or community-based requirements and policies. However, it does not define implementation detail, which is outside the scope of ISO 15836:2009.-source ISO
30. Seymour Lubetzky (April 28, 1898-April 5, 2003) was a major cataloging theorist and a prominent librarian. Born in Belarus as Shmaryahu Lubetzky, he worked for years at the Library of Congress. He worked as a teacher before he immigrated to the United States in 1927. He earned his BA from UCLA in 1931, and his MA from UC Berkeley in 1932.[1] Lubetzky also taught at the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, then the School of Library Service.
Fluent in six languages, Lubetzky published three groundbreaking books that greatly advanced the discipline of cataloging, the organization of knowledge, and modern research methods, still influential in areas of information technology. Librarianship in particular and information science in general had not been revolutionized as much since the likes of Antonio Panizzi, Charles Ammi Cutter or Paul Otlet. Cataloging Rules and Principles and Principles of Cataloging, as well as several periodical articles, solidified Lubetzky as one of the most significant influences in his field. Lubetzky's theory of cataloging went far beyond the Dewey Decimal System. He developed a rationalized approach to catalog code design, one that is even more relevant today as current cataloging principles are revisited and revised for a digital environment.
—SOURCE Wikipedia
31. VIRUS is a acronym that can contains many meanings .
VIRUS – Vital Information Resources Under Siege
There may be many popular meanings for VIRUS with the most popular definition being that of Vital Information Resources Under Siege
32. Discography is the study and listing of the details concerning sound recordings
33. largest unit of a database is a record
34. Exponential growth (including exponential decay) occurs when the growth rate of a mathematical function is proportional to the function's current value. In the case of a discrete domain of definition with equal intervals it is also called geometric growth or geometric decay (the function values form a geometric progression).
The exponential growth model is also known as the Malthusian growth model.
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Digambar Waghmare (Librarian)
Sinhgad College of ENgineering, Maharashtra