Library Technology Services - New approaches
Book Drop |
(Answers underlined)
1. ''Readalikes'' are------------------------
A.Readers Forum
B.Readers Club
C.Reader's Suggestions for fictions
Returns |
2. YALSA is ------------------service offered by ALA
A. Catalogue
B. Online Search
C. Adolescent Fiction for Young Adults
(Young Adult Library Services Association)
3. ''Large Print'' and ''Braille'' is indented to ---------
A. Visually Challenged
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Self check out machine |
B. Children
C. Working Class
4. ''Book-Drop'' is
A. Weeding Out
B. Shelving
C. Automated Returns
5. ''Self Check out'' means
A. Mobile Library
B. Stock Verification
C. Check Out done by the user him(her)/self (Automated)
6. In some countries, Library would pay author a certain amount (like royalty) to authors when their books are borrowed from library by the users. This system is called --------
A.Royal pay
B fee pay
C. Public Lending Right Program
7. Public Lending Right Program was started in -------------------
8. UJI is a -------------- tool that was created at University of Jaume, Spain in 2004
B.Robot Library
9. First 'Librarian Robot' in the world is --------------------
C.UJI Library Robot(Spain)
10. What is ASRS?
A.Library Association
B.Resource Sharing
C.Automated storage and retrieval system
11.The first library to install ASRS system(August 1991) was --------- .
A.Bodlean Library
B.Newyork Public Library
C.California State University, Northridge (CSUN)
12. The Ergonomic Carts is specifically designed to reduce the
involved in -----------------------
A.Inter Library Loan
B.Library Extension Program
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C.UJI Library Robot(Spain)
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Machine aided Book Sorting in Modern Libraries |
10. What is ASRS?
A.Library Association
B.Resource Sharing
C.Automated storage and retrieval system
11.The first library to install ASRS system(August 1991) was --------- .
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Automatic Storage and Retrieval of Books |
A.Bodlean Library
B.Newyork Public Library
C.California State University, Northridge (CSUN)
12. The Ergonomic Carts is specifically designed to reduce the
involved in -----------------------
A.Inter Library Loan
B.Library Extension Program
To watch the video kindly click